Our Practice
Our doctors live in the local community and together with their families have been involved in the Essendon area for many years. They enjoy delivering the entire spectrum of family care, from paediatrics through to the care of our senior citizens, including palliative care. Mental Health issues, Women’s Health, paediatrics and surgical procedures remain some of the doctor’s particular interests.
The practice of providing both house calls and aged care visits remains a priority to the clinic. Realizing that effective care depends on maintaining the highest standards, we are an accredited Practice of the RACGP and all our doctors comply with continuing educational requirements. Together with our reception team we are proud to offer medical care to the many generations of our local community.
Leake Street Clinic
The Leake Street Clinic boasts near 100 years of maintaining the highest quality family medical care to the local community. Founded in 1918, the clinic was originally located around the corner in Mount Alexander Road.